Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January 4, 2015

We got home from Paso on Friday night. We had stopped at the Mission at San Juan Batista to drop off a present to mom's friend, Sister Loretta. he had a doctor appointment so we had missed her, but we did get to visit the other nuns who were retired there. 
Taking the coastal route,  is always longer, but the highway above Salinas, is a divided two lane each way and seems always congested. This time, it took an hour to go a little over 5 miles. By the time we got home it was about 7 pm. Driving all day.
I felt more exhausted than usual, with a sore throat and head ache. The next morning was not any better. The head ache and sore throat got worst, turned into laryngitis. I slept all day Saturday and most of today. I began to feel well enough to watch what seemed to be a Batman marathon, between sleeping and waking. My cat and dog tried to get me up but I really couldn't  Luckily we had stopped at the store on the way home and got some to go and fresh fruits and veggies before getting home on Friday. Mom ate leftovers. 
This evening I felt good enough to get up to eat something, even though nothing had any taste. I felt well enough to watch Galavant on ABC (a good new series) and do this little sketch. Feeling better, but I'm going back to sleep now.

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