Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January 1, 2015

We are still in Paso Robles, but are supposed to leave tomorrow.

 I've been working a lot on this dragon project. I did not intended to get this involved with this picture, but it has kind of taken on a life of it's own, demanding the detail. Like eating peanuts, you just can't have one, so I keep on putting details into this thing and drawing. The fun part is seeing what I can do with this character.

 I actually took Comparative Anatomy in college just to see how different types of animals are made from the inside out. It was a pre-med class, so about half of the students dropped out or failed by mid semester, but it was really interesting.  I also took Herpetology, the study of cold blooded vertebrates, because I was fascinated with snakes. Both classes filled my need to know more about the creatures that I was creating. I've always loved to invent new creatures and no one can say what a dragon should look like since they don't really exists.

This dragon is a little different, but not completely innovative, in that it has some hair. Some extinct reptiles did have some hair, an evolutionary link to mammals.

 I've got a lot more done than the head, but here is just the head. I've left the file a little larger than usual so that you can see the hair on it's head.

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