Wednesday, January 14, 2015

December 29, 2014

There are a few more addresses added to my "Daily sketch" email list. Welcome, Gill, Guy, Carla and Bing, Kathy and Stewart! If there is anyone else that you know that wants to be on this list, please send me their email addresses and I will add them! 
For those of you who have just been added, I have been working on a piece for my son, Bryan for his Christmas gift. I have been sending out pieces of the work as I finish them, but because it is Bryan's gift, I can't let you see the image in it's entirety, (unless Bryan says that it is okay.) I am re-sending some of the pieces of this picture that I have been creating in Photoshop. 
I have been working on the dragon scales today. I tried to use a stamped image of scales, but I didn't like it, so I am rendering each scale on the dragon by hand.I've created other dragon images on a much larger scale using acrylics, each scale rendered individually. I was hoping to get the whole head done today, but it is the most labor intensive and as you can see, I am not done. It is the most time consuming because of the size of the small scales around the more delicate areas of the eye and mouth. I wanted it to look more flexible and soft as opposed to the other areas that will have larger scales, such as the neck and chest. 
For those of you who have not been on the list from the start, most of the past images that I had sent, I've put on my blog. They do have a watermark on them. I have some of them for sale at Society 6 as prints. The ones that I've been sending out in the "Daily sketch" emails are not watermarked, but are compressed for easy viewing.
Included in this email are the original concept sketch, woman and the fairy in the landscape with the castle in the background and a separate image of the dragon, in detail, of part of the head that I worked on today. 

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