Saturday, March 7, 2015

February 9, 2015

I guess when you overuse a body part it gets inflamed. I was trying to work on some things this morning when the first two fingers and thumb on my left hand was aching. I put on some arnica, but it hurt enough for me to stop using it and find something else to do. I didn't get to finish my drawings, so I thought that I would try to draw with my right hand to draw my left hand. I am left handed. This is my experiment in trying to draw with my right hand. I cheated a little to refine the shape a little with my regular drawing hand. Oddly enough, drawing the shadows was easier than trying to do the outside contour of my left hand. I was able to capture the arthritis on the index finger and the broken joint on the ring finger. 

This was a good exercise to train the other side of my brain, but the drawing is not too good. 

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